Friday 18 October 2013

Community Project Task

Task for Wednesday morning and afternoon:
You are to work as a small collective and together research and develop a proposal for a community based activity to be delivered by 1st January 2014. Try to be adventurous in your selection and move beyond the expected. Be considerate of practicalities. There will be limited if any funds available to support the activity; inventive problem solving is critical.

Group brainstorm community projects ideas:
  • Buy charity shop clothes to alter and restyle to sell at a profit for charity
  • Have a stall at a market
  • Hold a stall at a Christmas market
  • Decorate poppies to sell for remembrance day
  • Secret sculpture making in town
  • Pumpkin carving installations
  • Bonfire night activities and food
As a group we discussed the potential and practicality of each of our ideas, looking more in depth at each individually. The group was split over a few ideas, with some being agreed as really good but were thought to be a little too complicated or expensive, in the end we settled with the idea of creating a sculpture or installation in the town.
Through research we discovered an opportunity to create our work on a main roundabout in the town centre alongside a sculpture of a winged horse by Alan Tobias-Williams.

Another idea we thought may be interesting, is to put our sculpture in place during the night/evening when there will be less people around, the idea behind this plan is in an effort to bring an element of surprise and wonder to local workers, shoppers and visitors of the town the following day.

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