Thursday 12 December 2013

The Quince Tree Sun

Screened last week, The Quince Tree Sun is a film made in 1992 about a Spanish artist who aims to paint a quince tree in his garden every year. The film is incredibly slow paced, by the end you feel yourself yearning for the artist to finish his work, but he never quite makes it. This film requires alot of patience, which is reflected through the anxiety caused in trying to achive precision and perfection, the artist struggles with this in waiting for the exact light and angles over and over again. Throughout the film, the artist marks the fruit and background walls to record how much the fruit has dropped each time he returns to paint the quince tree. Also featured in the film are a group of builders who are working on the house next door, the builders are very contrasting to the artist, where they work quickly and efficently, focusing less on the precision and detail in the work, where the artist query's over every aspect.
This wouldn't be my first choice of film, and very different to what I may usually watch but it was interesting none the less, however I don't think I'll be queueing up to watch it again any time soon.

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