Wednesday 18 December 2013

Club to catwalk

During my work experience visit to the V&A I had the opportunity to see the Club to Catwalk Exhibition, photography wasn't permitted, so I spent over an hour looking at the pieces and taking notes.

Katherine Hamnett slogan Tshirts, in response to politics

Worker unform inspired
John Galliano- looking at different tailoring, "Fallen Angel" above right
Vivienne Westwood- electric, pagan, hobo
Westwood + Malcolm Mclaren- Nostalgia Of Mud, punk art motifs, classic drapery

Blitz magazine and Levi denim jackets, customised by 7 designers including Leigh Bowery and Westwood

Evening wear: beads, tailored, classic Jasper Conran, Anthony Price 'Birds Wing'

English Eccentrics- Helen David, large prints

Betty Jackson "Brave new face of Fashion" - large screen prints so no piece was ever exactly the same

Knitwear- punk jumpers in clubs, Sarah Dallas

Catwalks like a whole performance, very dancey

Wendy Dagworthy- Irish tweeds, liberty prints

John Richmond crucifix jacket, skull shirt "Destroy, Disorientate, Disorder"

Paul Smith- "to sell a plain white shirt, it had to have a point of view" "a coloured button or button hole, or piece of liberty print under the cuff. That's really how the Paul Smith style came along"

Zoot suit - Galliano, Betty Jackson

New Romantic and Westwood + Mclaren 'Pirate' 

Blitz club and Taboo- Leigh Bowery- Steve Strange- famous fashions seen here with famous faces

Body Map- monochrome, stretch fabric

Goth- punk, fetish, dressing up

Glam Fetish- Westwood Mclaren- Fetish and Bondage

Customised- punk leather jackets, biker, women's battle wear

Johnsons the Modern Outfitter

Ripped and torn, Darla Jane Gilroy- sexy

Rave - Rosemary Moore- tube knitted seamless fabric, Pam Hogg

Rifat Ozbek- slogans, customised adidas

I absolutely loved this exhibition, it reawakened my love for fashion, I found it fascinating, especially understanding where the fashions had come from. I only wish I was around in the 80's to witness the crazy time.

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