Sunday 22 December 2013

Peace live at Shepherds Bush

On Friday the 5th of December after a long day of work experience at the V&A, I went to meet my mum for the rest of the duration in London at the South Kensington Hilton. We got checked in and went straight up to our room to relax before attempting anything else for the evening. After carefully inspecting the minibar we decided to go down to the bar for a cocktail and nachos before the gig, the drinks were amazing, and the nachos were perfect.

Batteries recharged we headed out into shepherds bush to the O2 empire to see Peace, I had planned to use this opportunity to take some good photos of the performance, however due to the detachable lens on my camera, it was classed as professional, so not allowed in. This was such a disappointment after sending relentless emails to both the venue and band agency, in order to get a photography pass on behalf of a magazine. We handed the camera in for the evening and tried not to let it ruin the atmosphere, I decided to use the opportunity to experiment with smartphone photography instead. 
I've seen Peace before, so I knew they'd be good, but it's always interesting to see how their performance is adapted to different venues. Drenge were supporting, a guitar and drum duo, they were really good, but alot heavier live compared to on their records.
We chose a standing position near the bar on a balcony area by the stairs, we had a fairly good view for when Peace came on, so I took some photos here to start with.
Looking down over the crowd we could see they were getting a bit crazy, but it looked so much fun down there, so we decided to squeeze our way into the dancing mass.
Everyone was singing along and dancing to the flawless music, the band have an amazing presence on stage, it's as if they excert all their energy out through their music into the audience. I hadn't realised how much bigger the auditorium looked from down on the floor, it was so much bigger than I had thought! The band finished on a cover of a Christmas classic, Last Christmas by Wham, absolutely everyone was joining in by this point, and Christmas cheer spread over the audience, a perfect moment that will stick in my mind for a long time.
When the band finished, the hoards left the auditorium feeling Christmassy and pumped, after collecting my camera, we set off on the cold 10 minute walk back to the hotel, after a pit stop at McDonald's for some hot fries. All in all a great day in London.

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