Tuesday 19 November 2013


I missed the first display at Thomas A Becket so I went with my mum to Worthing Seafront for the pier display and market on Wednesday the 5th. We wandered down through the town that had become alive with music and bustling people. lit up with strings of lights and fair ground rides. The market was mostly food stalls with exotic and traditional cuisine from around the world, having already eaten, mulled wine in mind we went off in search of a warming beverage to take down to the beach. Majority of the stalls didn't have a license for alcohol, just about to give up we noticed a stall run by a restaurant selling soup, mulled wine and mulled cider, perfect for this wintry evening!
Hot drinks in hand we headed down to the beach to find a good spot to view the fireworks and plant the tripod in preparation for some night photography. We ended up in a sheltered spot almost under the lido, to avoid the glare of the lights from the fair and ready for the long exposure for the firework photography. All set up we eagerly awaited the start of the display among hundreds of others who'd travelled especially for the occasion.
The display was magnificent, with fireworks bigger and better than previous years looking magical in the unusual surrounding, explosions from the end of the pier reminiscent of the ending to a Disney film, we watched in awe. As the last firework faded into the night sky, the crowds began to drift back towards the glowing lights of the town, this was our opportunity to recreate scenes from artcamp in lodgehill practicing night time photography techniques. 
I mainly experimented with long exposures and using a flash gun in the dark, the outcomes were interesting with some successful images created. The fireworks was a great photographic opportunity and I really enjoyed the traditional autumnal bonfire night, photos to follow. 

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